+7 (812) 309-76-29
Development of the production system
Optimization of assembly processes and in-house logistics with the Japanese Kaizen approach More
Structural System LeanTube
Universal modular collapsible system of aluminum profiles and connectors More
Karakuri Kaizen
Means of small-scale mechanization and automation of production processes More

Transportation carts

By means of the cart with the reinforced base, cylindrical-shaped heavy-duty cargoes are transported from a place of their loading to machines, where they are used.

Thank to adjustable profile, there is an opportunity to “customize” width of a base lath to the diameter required by the customer.

In order to improve ergonomics at the production lines, the ability to transport several carts as a train is provided due to the installation of tow bar from one side, and the hook from another.

agv artfactory cartcart train