+7 (812) 309-76-29
Development of the production system
Optimization of assembly processes and in-house logistics with the Japanese Kaizen approach More
Structural System LeanTube
Universal modular collapsible system of aluminum profiles and connectors More
Karakuri Kaizen
Means of small-scale mechanization and automation of production processes More

Multi-tier elevator

It is a tubular profile structure used to move KLT containers with parts from the top level to the bottom, and vice versa. The mobility of the units is ensured by the use of loads, pulleys, levers and an electric drive for lifting the loads to the top. When travelling downwards, the containers are moved on the inclined roller tracks, which enables to save on electrical devices.

Multi-tier elevator will be of increased demand on the production sites/stores. It is designed for specific operating conditions with height and other dimensions on customer’s request.